Domenico Di Siena

Domenico Di Siena is an architect, urban planner and researcher; is founder and director of Urbano Humano Agency, Agency for Innovation and Knowledge Society. His professional activity focuses on Research and Transformation projects related to Urban Innovation, Social Design, Network Thinking and Knowledge Management.

Researching and working on possible synergies of physical networks (public space) and digital networks (Internet) for the Urbanism PhD program of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid where he obtains a DEA degree in 2009.

Experiments and develops hybrid systems to connect architecture and urbanism fields with communication and social media, by new design and management models of urban public space (Shareable City).

Author of the ebook Sentient City: the City of Knowledge intellectual synthesis about a new city model based on a technological and social ecosystem where knowledge, collective enterprise and interactions between people and places foster new possibilities by means of a physical-digital hybridization. This text means to analyse in what way this new setting can give the citizens back their role in urban management, according to their own identity, taking advantage of flows and synergies between the physical and digital fields; analyse the processes that would allow anyone at any time to communicate with his neighbors to manage and change his habitat.

Curator and co-director of #OPENmadrid, annual event about Open Design and P2P Urbanism in collaboration with the Rey Juan Carlos University.

In 2011 Domenico gives life to Think Commons initiative, weekly sessions in streaming to reflect and debate on Commons, Social media, Social innovation, Open Government, Local Development and related themes.

In montera34 we are Pablo Rey Mazón, Alfonso Sánchez Uzábal.
Unless otherwise said content are published under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, and code under GNU GPL3 license.